
Please solve the infinite loading problem!

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello @KingWu ! I am trying to solve the infinite loading problem in this starter-kit
Many attempts have been made to identify the cause.
And then, I found that after entering 'Entry _$EntryFromJson' of "Entry.g.dart' to be infinitely loading.

In the console, the previous code works fine.
After entering '$EntryFromJson', it is confirmed that the operation stops.
To check this, I used a simple method to print messages to the console.

I think, 'void _showLoading' function in 'HomePadge.dart' is displays the loading screen, and it doesn't seem to go to the next screen.

I don't know how to solve this problem from here on.
Help me Please!!!

@kokochi66 Thanks for tracing the issue. i created a branch fix-loading-issue to fix the issue. found that the issue come from the API change. Will fix it soon

@kokochi66 release 1.4.0 to fix the existing issues. Sorry to make you feel pain. Enjoy your Flutter learning trip