
Help In Visual Studio Code

ashishnimrot opened this issue · 2 comments

flutter_starter_kit ashish$ flutter run lib/utility/framework/Application.dart
Using hardware rendering with device Android SDK built for x86. If you get graphics artifacts, consider enabling software rendering with "--enable-software-rendering".
Launching lib/utility/framework/Application.dart on Android SDK built for x86 in debug mode...
Initializing gradle... 10.2s
Resolving dependencies...
177.4s (!)

The Gradle project does not define a task suitable for the requested build.
The android/app/build.gradle file defines product flavors: development, production, staging
You must specify a --flavor option to select one of them.
Gradle build aborted.

Take a took on this issue. You run with a wrong Dart file

#4 (comment)

Will close it if no issue found