
GHC 9.2.2?

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I'm on a sabbatical, and I'm devoting some of that time to slamming myself face first into the bleeding edge of stuff that I think is neat in Haskell. I'm presently throwing myself at getting in-other-words building on 9.2.2 and then going on to write some libraries on top of it, so I mostly just want to use this ticket to track my findings and potentially get your input on how to fix things that are broken.

It'll take me a bit to get spun up on all the machinery here, so any pointers are highly valued. :)


  • StarIsType warnings (easy fix)

Broken stuff:

Carrier instances

  • Control.Effect.Internal.Newtype.UnwrapTopC (looks like UnwrappedEff is hanging around too long, maybe?)
  • Control.Effect.Writer.ListenIntoEndoListenC: Could not deduce (Member (Tell (Endo o)) (Derivs m)) ... from the context: (Monoid o, HeadEffs '[Listen (Endo o), Tell (Endo o)] m)
  • Control.Effect.Writer.WriterIntoEndoWriterC: As above
  • Control.Effect.Union.UnionizeHeadC
    Could not deduce (Member (Union b) (Derivs m))
      arising from a use of ‘inj’
    from the context: (HeadEff (Union b) m, KnownList b)
    Could not deduce: Derivs m
                      ~ (_e0 : StripPrefix '[Union b] (Derivs m))
    from the context: (HeadEff (Union b) m, KnownList b)
    Expected: Union (Derivs m) z a
      Actual: Union (_e0 : StripPrefix '[Union b] (Derivs m)) z a

interpretViaHandler uses

I suspect these are all tied up in the Carrier instances, but I don't understand the machinery well enough yet to fix it.

  • Control.Effect.Trace.traceIntoTell: Could not deduce (Member (Tell String) (Derivs m)) ... from the context: HeadEff (Tell String) m
  • Control.Effect.Writer.tellIntoEndoTell: Could not deduce (Member (Tell (Endo o)) (Derivs m)) ... from the context: (Monoid o, HeadEff (Tell (Endo o)) m)
  • Control.Effect.Writer.listenIntoEndoListen: As above, plus Listen (Endo o)
  • Control.Effect.Writer.writerIntoEndoWriter: As above, plus Pass (Endo o)


  • Control.Effect.Writer.tellIntoTell and Control.Effect.Writer.tellIntoTellSimple: Could not deduce (Member (Tell o') (Derivs m)), which I expect is just more of the carrier issue poking through.

Some of these look so weird I'm inclined to call it GHC bugs. For example Could not deduce (Member (Tell String) (Derivs m)) ... from the context: HeadEff (Tell String) m is absolutely something GHC should be able to prove. I'll look into it, but not today; I'll hopefully be able to tomorrow.

Yeah, that seems really unusual, right? Usually GHC has the ones you can do in your head well in hand. 😆 I have a suspicion that perhaps the root of it is all in UnionizeHeadC.

Using the following:

data Dict (c :: Constraint) where
  Dict :: c => Dict c


wow :: ( new ~ '[e]
       , Append new (StripPrefix new (Derivs m)) ~ Derivs m)
    => Proxy m
    -> Dict (Member e (Derivs m))
wow _ = Dict

No error:

wow :: ( new ~ '[e]
       , r ~ Derivs m
       , Append new (StripPrefix new (Derivs m)) ~ Derivs m)
    => Proxy m
    -> Dict (Member e (Derivs m))
wow _ = Dict

Note how I did nothing but introduce an unused variable with a type equality constraint to Derivs m!

This is a GHC bug.
I've never reported one before. Have to brush up on what the proper process is.

In the meantime, I'm trying to figure out a workaround without resorting to the Threaders solution of introducing a parameter to IntroConsistent and friends solely to get a polymorphic type variable for the r ~ Derivs m constraint. No luck yet; tried leveraging quantified constraints, and turning simple constraint synonyms into classes, and a mix of the two, without any success.
Here's a minimal reproducer to play around with (given all necessary extensions switched on):

{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, DataKinds, TypeOperators, GADTs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, KindSignatures, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Reproducer where

import Data.Kind (Type, Constraint)

data Dict (c :: Constraint) where
  Dict :: c => Dict c

class Foo (e :: Type) (r :: [Type])

instance Foo e (e ': r)

type family R :: [Type]
type family F (a :: [Type]) :: [Type]

compiles :: (R ~ Int ': F R, r ~ R)
         => Dict (Foo Int R)
compiles = Dict

errors :: (R ~ Int ': F R)
       => Dict (Foo Int R)
errors = Dict

Haven't been able to find a GHC issue that quite fits this bill, so created a new one:

Alright, with GHC 9.2.3 released and in stackage nightly, I'm going to revisit this issue and try to get it closed.

Turns out the StarIsType issues were all that remained. With that fixed, in-other-words compiles without warnings with GHC 9.2.3. will be released on Hackage soon.