Lendsqr Web Portal

Lendsqr's web app, serving over half a million users, employs React with TypeScript and SCSS. This powerful stack facilitates rapid and reliable feature development, ensuring a seamless and scalable user experience.

Table of Contents


The project is a dynamic web application developed with React, TypeScript, and SCSS, catering to a substantial user base. Noteworthy features encompass a robust authentication system, an organized users table for efficient data management, detailed user profiles, and versatile user management capabilities, including activation and blacklisting.

Video Demo



  • Allows users to securely log in and access personalized features.

Users Table:

  • Stores essential user information for efficient data management.
  • Filtering users table by orgaisation, username, date, status

User Details:

  • Provides a comprehensive view of individual user data.

User Management (Activate/Blacklisting):

  • Ability to activate and blacklist a user


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

Technology Stack

This project is built using the following technologies:

  • React:

    • A JavaScript library for building user interfaces, facilitating the creation of dynamic and responsive components.
  • TypeScript:

    • A superset of JavaScript that adds static typing, enhancing code quality and developer productivity in large-scale applications.
  • SCSS:

    • A preprocessor scripting language that is interpreted or compiled into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), offering advanced styling features.
  • Redux:

    • A state management library for JavaScript applications, ensuring a predictable and centralized state.
  • React Table:

    • A lightweight and extensible library for building dynamic and customizable tables in React applications.
  • RTK (Redux Toolkit):

    • A set of tools and utilities for simplifying Redux-related tasks, enhancing the development experience.
  • Jest:

    • A JavaScript testing framework with a focus on simplicity and flexibility, widely used for testing React applications.
  • Faker.js:

    • A JavaScript library for generating realistic fake data, often used in testing and development scenarios to simulate real-world data.

Getting Started

After you have installed Nodejs, you can then proceed to follow the installation instructions


Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/Kingscliq/lendsquare-test

Once you clone the project, the first thing you need to do is to install the dependencies using the following command

Navigate to the project directory:

cd lendsquare-test

Install Dependencies:

yarn install

Running the Application Locally

After installing you can start the project using the following command

Start the development server:

yarn start

This will launch the development server and open the application in your default web browser.

Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000

##Building for Production

To build the application for production, use the following command:

yarn build

This will generate a build folder with optimized and minified files ready for deployment.

Folder Structure

|-- build/ (Generated build files) |-- public/ (Public assets like images, favicons, index.html) |-- src/ (Source code) | |-- assets/ (Static assets like images, fonts, icons) | |-- components/ (Reusable UI components) | |-- features/ (Subdirectories for feature-specific code) | |-- hooks/ (Custom React hooks) | |-- pages/ (Top-level views and routes) | |-- providers/ (Context providers for global state) | |-- slices/ (Redux slices for state management) | |-- store/ (Redux store configuration) | |-- styles/ (Global and component-specific styles) | |-- types/ (TypeScript type definitions) | |-- utils/ (Utility functions and helpers) |-- App.test.tsx (App component test file) |-- App.tsx (Root app component) |-- index.scss (Global stylesheet) |-- index.tsx (Entry point of the app) |-- react-app-env.d.ts (TypeScript environment definitions) |-- reportWebVitals.ts (Web Vitals reporting) |-- setupTests.ts (Test environment setup)

Project Dependencies

The project utilizes several key dependencies to enhance functionality. Below are some of the main dependencies:

  • React: ^18.2.0
  • React Router Dom: ^6.21.1
  • Redux Toolkit: ^1.8.3
  • React Query: ^4.12.0
  • React Table: ^8.5.15
  • Formik: ^2.4.5
  • ... (other main dependencies)

For the full list of dependencies and their versions, please refer to the package.json file.