Software Developer with a love for web development. I play chess and watch interesting movies in my spare time. Open to new opportunities.
Looking for challenging opportunitiesLagos, Nigeria
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The Admin Dashboard displays students' information on the program. Users will have access to important information such as new or additional courses, institution statistics, help links, and others.
Space Travelers' Hub is a web application for a company that provides commercial and scientific space travel services. The application will allow users to book rockets and join selected space missions. Application data was fetched from the SpaceX API.
MoviesZone is an entertainment web app that hosts various kinds of movie collections. Users can select any movie of their choice, see what other viewers have to say about the series, view more details about the movie, like the movie, and also leave their comments. The application was built using vanilla JavaScript, CSS, and HTML
⭐️ Companies that don't have a broken hiring process
Leads Tracker is a Google Chrome Extension used to save URLs from users' tabs for easy access. The user will be able to add descriptive text for the URLs and can remove URLs as he wishes. You can find the download link in the readme file as included in the project repository.
"Math magicians" is a website for all fans of mathematics. It is a Single Page App (SPA) that allows users to: Make simple calculations and read a random math-related quote. The application was built using Javascript, React, HTML, CSS, Webpack, Jest-testing.
This is an online conference app. it allows users to register for events, create accounts, join events, access speakers' information, have information about both past and upcoming events and schedule their own events.
"Microverse Portfolio Assignment" project is a portfolio website submitted at Microverse for evaluation of my knowledge of JavaScript, CSS, HTML, SASS, and Github.
In this project you will find links that would help you learn about me, my recent works, technologies I used in delivering high performing web application and the contact section for a DM. I would love to socialize with you also, so I have included my most social media handles. Project was built with JavaScript.
"Todo List App" is a modern website that keeps track of tasks. The user can add, mark/unmark complete, edit, delete and save todo items. Items get stored in the browser's localstorage and get update each time the user adds or deletes an item. The application was built using React, SASS and JavaScript.
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