
Can not find the Raspberry Pi EmbedShell by KinomaCode.

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Hello all,
I try to build RaspberryPi KinomaJS.
I have some problem.
Please see following.

1)Running RPi Balls application result is good.
2)Running RPi EmbedShell, looks like is good.(RPi connecting display result)
(Please don't care IP address. This address is example)
Following address is KinomaCode and RPi Display screen shot.
$ ./EmbedShell/lib/mdnsd
$ sudo ./EmbedShell/EmbedShell
3)But, can not find RPi from KinomaCode.

If you have any advice, please tell me.

I am so sorry, I miss understand KinomaCode.
I try to change KinomaCode Preference.
I find Rpi!!!

Thank you so much.