
[help] Error while parsing JSON: missing field `version_number`

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Publishing on modrinth won't work, and it gives me this error




So, here's what's happening:

options.version ||= githubContext.payload.release?.tag_name || metadata?.version;

At the moment, mc-publish is incapable of inferring the version of your modpack as it doesn't yet support reading .mrpack files (this feature, however, is slated for inclusion in the upcoming v4.0 release). Additionally, because the action was triggered by a tag creation, there isn't a release available from which to infer the version.

Specifically in your case, I'd categorize it as a bug, because mc-publish could use GITHUB_REF in this scenario to determine the modpack version (i.e., v1.0.9). I'll address this problem shortly.