
BUG&REQUEST: BakeMaster to support Blender 4.0

KirilStrezikozin opened this issue · 4 comments

This bug report is:

  • not a duplicate
  • fixed

Describe the bug
Blender 4.0 brought many internal and API changes, one of which is the Principled BSDF node. BakeMaster should adapt and be able to bake successfully in Blender 4.0.

  • Blender 4.0
  • BakeMaster 2.5.2
  • TODO: Review the new AgX view transform and allow its integration into BakeMaster's color management profiles.
    REVIEW: Done actually because it's just a view transform, not an actual color space, so no worries about it.

NOTE: Interestingly, Blender 4.0 has changed several nodes, like MixRGB, which now has a new look. However, while Blender 4.0 supports MixRGB nodes from the 3.6 version, it does not have a direct way to add them via UI, only via Python API.

  • Map previews for ID, Mask. (#37)
  • BSDF Pass map edits: remove Subsurface Color in favor of letting the user remap this socket to emission (in case it needs to be baked) in Blender 4.0.
  • BSDF Pass map fixes for Blender 4.0:
    • support "Transmission Weight" socket name for Transmission preview.
    • support "Specular Tint" socket name for Specular preview.
    • support "Sheen Weight" socket name for Sheen preview.
    • support "Coat Weight" socket name for Clearcoat preview.
  • Principled BSDF bakes fixes: add constraints defining Metallic, Base Color, Normal, Emission Color, and Emission strength socket indexes for Blender 4.0.

EXR should be in linear color space by default now, not in sRGB. Actually, it is the standard.