
Why not open source the main library?

sveinbjornt opened this issue · 5 comments

Since the project is defunct, why not publish the C source code to libsnowboy-detect so people can build new binaries that work properly on the latest versions of OSes?

I doubt they will do it, but I am currently working on reverse engineering the library (only the detection part for now) and will probably open source it once I am done and have cleaned it up a bit.
Its far from done, but I have made good progress so far.

@Thalhammer Great to hear! Could you ping me here when you get around to releasing?

Sure, but it might take some time till its done, since its a sideproject and depends on how much time I can dedicate to it.
It is also very likely that I introduce some (hopefully not dealbreaking) bugs since reverse engineering isnt always an exact science (especially with math heavy code, as is the case with audio software).

@sveinbjornt @Bubabent @vthorsteinsson You asked, I deliver:
Note that it is still very much alpha level software, but I guess its better than nothing.
I haven't done anything at the training front yet, but I will tackle that next. Also some stuff found in the original libary isnt yet implemented (mostly frontend agc & ns) but it should work reasonably well. I have some very basic unit tests to make sure I did not completely screw it up along the way.

Feel free to note all issues/problems you find (or maybe even fix them and do a PR ? <3)

Unfortunately we don't have access to the code base anymore... And even if we do, we won't be allowed to share the code... I wrote the whole code base about 5-6 years ago, and I'm glad people like it, and are still using it. Just bear in mind that there might be legal issues attached to it...

Anyways, enjoy Snowboy!