
Eyeglass issue

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi Hugo,

I noticed that you wrote a real neat little article about eyeglass on sitepoint. Since you seem to know about it I thought you might have some insight on my issue that I am having with it atm.

Issue with eyeglass integration

So wanted to use the Sassy Modular Scale project in my build by using eyeglass. Although I ran into a few issues with it and posted a STO post on it. Nobody really knew how to solve the problem and now I'm just stuck wondering how to get it to work properly. Here's my post on STO where I explain my issues with integrating eyeglass and modular scale.

I'd really appreciate it if you set up a mock repo on github which explains how to integrate eyeglass with modular scales. That would help me very much.

Thank you,

Brent W

Hey Brent.

Did I write something about Eyeglass? Your link doesn't head to any article of mine. Because the truth is, I didn't really give it a serious try. I played with it a few times and didn't really succeed in making what I want, so I gave up. I should retry it at some point.

Sorry for not being able to help much. Maybe ask @chriseppstein directly on Twitter. :)