
NoSuchColumnException after update from 0.9.6 to 1.0.0-rc1

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Current behaviour

I've used Tailviewer quite a long time. Today I've updated to the version 1.0.0-rc1. Since the update I'm don't see any issues from the log. Just an empty window. I see that the file is somehow open and is processed because on the bottom line the line count is increasing. Also the number on the top line beside the hide all entries is increasing. The file used for the test was the Tailviewer.log file.
Due to the fact that the numbers on the top line near the error, warn and so on remains 0 I expcet that the parsing somehow fails.

One thing that occurs also and is maybe related to it is an exception that shows up in the log (opened with another editor :-)):
2022-11-01 12:47:19,562 [1] ERROR Tailviewer.Ui.LogView.LogEntryListView - Caught unexpected exception while updating: Tailviewer.Api.NoSuchColumnException: No such column: 'log_level'
bei Tailviewer.Core.LogBufferList.CopyTo[T](IColumnDescriptor1 column, IReadOnlyList1 sourceIndices, T[] destination, Int32 destinationIndex)
bei Tailviewer.Core.FullyBufferedLogSource.GetColumn[T](IReadOnlyList1 sourceIndices, IColumnDescriptor1 column, T[] destination, Int32 destinationIndex, LogSourceQueryOptions queryOptions)
bei Tailviewer.Core.LogSourcePropertyAdorner.GetColumn[T](IReadOnlyList1 sourceIndices, IColumnDescriptor1 column, T[] destination, Int32 destinationIndex, LogSourceQueryOptions queryOptions)
bei Tailviewer.Core.LogSourceColumnAdorner.GetColumn[T](IReadOnlyList1 sourceIndices, IColumnDescriptor1 column, T[] destination, Int32 destinationIndex, LogSourceQueryOptions queryOptions)
bei Tailviewer.Core.FileLogSource.GetColumn[T](IReadOnlyList1 sourceIndices, IColumnDescriptor1 column, T[] destination, Int32 destinationIndex, LogSourceQueryOptions queryOptions)
bei Tailviewer.Core.MultiLineLogSource.TryGetSpecialColumn[T](IReadOnlyList1 indices, IColumnDescriptor1 column, T[] buffer, Int32 destinationIndex, LogSourceQueryOptions queryOptions)
bei Tailviewer.Core.MultiLineLogSource.GetColumn[T](IReadOnlyList1 sourceIndices, IColumnDescriptor1 column, T[] destination, Int32 destinationIndex, LogSourceQueryOptions queryOptions)
bei Tailviewer.Core.LogBufferList.ColumnData1.CopyFrom(Int32 destinationIndex, ILogSource source, IReadOnlyList1 indices, LogSourceQueryOptions queryOptions)
bei Tailviewer.Core.LogBufferList.CopyFrom(IColumnDescriptor column, Int32 destinationIndex, ILogSource source, IReadOnlyList1 sourceIndices, LogSourceQueryOptions queryOptions) bei Tailviewer.Core.MultiLineLogSource.GetEntries(IReadOnlyList1 sourceIndices, ILogBuffer destination, Int32 destinationIndex, LogSourceQueryOptions queryOptions)
bei Tailviewer.Core.LogSourceProxy.GetEntries(IReadOnlyList1 sourceIndices, ILogBuffer destination, Int32 destinationIndex, LogSourceQueryOptions queryOptions) bei Tailviewer.Core.LogSourceProxy.GetEntries(IReadOnlyList1 sourceIndices, ILogBuffer destination, Int32 destinationIndex, LogSourceQueryOptions queryOptions)
bei Tailviewer.Ui.LogView.TextCanvas.UpdateVisibleLines()
bei Tailviewer.Ui.LogView.LogEntryListView.OnTimer(Object sender, EventArgs args)

Expected behaviour

The expectation is that the log file is parsed as earlier and the issues are shown in the UI.

Steps to reproduce the problem

Difficult to say. Just open the Tailviewer.log file in Tailviewer. I'm preaty sure that this will work on other systems as it would be a total deal breaker.

I need to add that the issue somehow fixed itself. Today after a Windows 10 Update 22H2 and a few restarts of the system later it is working again... I've no clue what fixed the issue.

If you like we can close the issue here. Anyhow it was very confusing.

Never happend again