
Error code: -9968(0x26f0), Operation now in progress

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I am trying to send mail through Zoho Mail using Swift-SMTP as part of a Vapor app on a Linux server.
I am sending the mail in the background thread once triggered using a HTTP request. {
        if let error = error{

The console prints out an annoyingly unhelpful "Error code: -9968(0x26f0), Operation now in progress". Please can you help me to decipher the meaning of this?

@Oliver-Binns I'm not sure, but my guess is that the connection to the SMTP server is timing out, and this is resulting in a confusing error message.

The error -9968 is defined in BlueSocket as SOCKET_ERR_CONNECT_TIMEOUT here:

It is reported along with the 'last error' returned for the socket, which appears to be EINPROGRESS, though I'm not sure why that error would be returned. seems like it might be relevant. I don't know whether @billabt might have some ideas?

@Oliver-Binns I got the same error when I was running the app in simulator. Try to run it in a real device.