Error "Failed to build volume" - on Chrome
Closed this issue · 9 comments
I encounterd an error while loading two DICOMs and then when I tried to switch to the second image. To make sure I tried the same on your online app ( and the error is there as well.
- I uploaded one DICOM image , everything works fine
- Then I uploaded another DICOM image using file browse . It is visibale in the sidebar but when I clicked on it following error occurs
Failed to build volume
RuntimeError: Aborted(). Build with -sASSERTIONS for more info.. More details can be found in the developer's console.
and on dev console
read-image-dicom-file-series.js:8 Aborted()
Module.printErr @ read-image-dicom-file-series.js:8
abort @ read-image-dicom-file-series.js:8
_abort @ read-image-dicom-file-series.js:8
$func38 @ 0149037e:0x65df
$func3297 @ 0149037e:0x20fee1
$func518 @ 0149037e:0x39ecc
$func1692 @ 0149037e:0x106541
$func767 @ 0149037e:0x69064
$func546 @ 0149037e:0x3f2fd
$func3514 @ 0149037e:0x22fdee
$func387 @ 0149037e:0x27925
$func4045 @ 0149037e:0x26c1b8
$func2634 @ 0149037e:0x1aed94
$func3917 @ 0149037e:0x267c72
$func4049 @ 0149037e:0x26c5b0
$N @ 0149037e:0x358788
Module._main @ read-image-dicom-file-series.js:8
callMain @ read-image-dicom-file-series.js:8
OI @ c8dc6423-97ff-45e5-9b0a-41f4279efd68:5
vI @ c8dc6423-97ff-45e5-9b0a-41f4279efd68:5
runPipeline @ c8dc6423-97ff-45e5-9b0a-41f4279efd68:5
await in runPipeline (async)
I @ c8dc6423-97ff-45e5-9b0a-41f4279efd68:1
useErrorMessage.ts:13 RuntimeError: Aborted(). Build with -sASSERTIONS for more info.
at abort (read-image-dicom-file-series.js:8:6226)
at _abort (read-image-dicom-file-series.js:8:82347)
at 0149037e
at 0149037e
at 0149037e
at 0149037e
at 0149037e
at 0149037e
at 0149037e
at 0149037e
Is this a know error ? Becuase I tested the same scenario sometime back. Same error can be recreate using sample data .
If this is a duplicate error please link to the original.
What modality is the dataset that is failing to load?
Hi ,
I tried with DICOM image files
@nUdawatte If you can share the files, that would help.
Hi ,
Please find the gdrive link for images .
I first load image in CT folder and then add second image in PET
Got the files, thanks. The CT and PET folders are loading for me on: and with
Chrome version 123
Firefox version 125
Here is another CT PET combo that might be interesting for you to try:[]
I can load them successfully but when you swich between the images I get errors.
This gives me following erros ( check the attached image)
My crome version is Version 124.0.6367.61 (Official Build) (32-bit)
Anyhow it seems to be working on Firefox though . Even my local project
Thanks for checking things. My guess is the readImageDicomFileSeries
WASM code is running out of memory. You could test with a debug build of readImageDicomFileSeries
for a better error message if you like. Could also try with 64 bit Chrome.
Good to know. Probably need 64 bit Chrome for these sized images. Better error message would be nice but not trivial change. Thanks for working through this.