
ParaViewWeb based on pvdataserver only

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Is it possible to create a ParaViewWeb server deployment based on pvdataserver only? I need to have it just as a postprocessor to transform data for custom client-side rendering. Or the pvrenderingserver is a mandatory part of ParaViewWeb and the only option is to build binaries with Mesa dependency?

So technically the pvrenderingserver is not mandatory and you can use a pre-built version of ParaView with OSMesa to do the work. Basically, you don't need to create a view and perform rendering operations. I have several pvw applications that are designed that way, where I only use the server side for data processing and the communication infrastructure to deliver either geometry or other types of data for local rendering using vtk.js or something else like a chart library.

But it is true that we can not easily create a ParaView process without each service (client, data, rendering).

@jourdain thank you for clarification. Could you please give some guidelines on how to implement ParaViewWeb server basing on pvdataserver? I could not find any in the documentation.

You can not run only that part. Just use pvpython from a OSMesa build that you can get for linux here

As long you don't call simple.Show() or simple.Render(), no view will be created and no rendering will happen.