
pod install not working / null is not an object (evaluating 'RNReactNativeSharedGroupPreferences.getItem')

Closed this issue · 3 comments

So I'm getting
"null is not an object (evaluating 'RNReactNativeSharedGroupPreferences.getItem')"
So after seeing the closed issues I found that I should

Link the library properly under 'Link binary with Libraries' (libRNReactNativeSharedGroupPreferences.a) #3

The problem is that even after react-native link and pod install libRNReactNativeSharedGroupPreferences.a is not popping up in the workspace libraries. What am I missing?

Not exactly sure how pod works (don't use it myself), but you can open Xcode and:

navigate to Libraries > RNReactNativeSharedGroupPreferences.xcodeproj > Products > libRNReactNativeSharedGroupPreferences.a and drag this into Build Phases > Link Binary with Libraries

Ugh, that was so much easier! I ended up forking the repo and modifying so I it could use pod install: Repo
Anyways, both methods work just fine. Thank you very much for this repo btw, helped me a lot :)

Doesn't seem like the steps apply to latest xcode anymore. Any suggestion? Thank you