
Warning Error: Unused Entity Issue Expression result unused

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Hi Kaijie Yu, I copied the files of demo to new single view project, in iOS 6.1, I debugged the ARC errors, like memory release, but xcode showed me that warning error of the Designated Initializer in AppDelegate, I run the app and the simulator show me a black screen.

!Warning :Error: Unused Entity Issue Expression result unused

[circleMenuViewController initWithButtonCount:kKYCCircleMenuButtonsCount

Hi @panchito, It's a Non-ARC lib, when you need to use this lib in an ARC enabled project, you need to add -fno-objc-arc flag for the lib.

Steps to add the -fno-objc-arc flag for using this lib in an ARC enabled project:

  1. Select the project target;
  2. Choose Build Phases;
  3. Click the little arrow beside the Compile Sources tab to expand the list of files;
  4. Find the "KYCircleMenu.m" by searching, and double click it to show a popup, add -fno-objc-arc as the Compiler Flags.

Ok, thanks a lot , but the warning above in the Designated Initializer " Unused Entity Issue Expression result unused " what it can be causing?, I imported all the files to their respective headers.

Have you set circleMenuViewController as the root view controller of nav? This warning shows that you didn't use the instance after you initialized it, and that's why it's black (blank actually). To silence the warning, you can put a

NSLog(@"%@", circleMenuViewController);

after it. But I think your view is still blank. So please make sure that your circleMenuViewController is set as the root view controller of the nav.

B.t.w., you don't need to import the demo into your own project, just import the folder of KYCircleMenu is fine. When you need to test the demo, just open the KYCircleMenuDemo/KYCircleMenuDemo.xcodeproj.

Yes ,I have set circleMenuViewController as the root view controller of nav, I only imported constants,KYCircleMenu and CircleMenuViewController , I'll be check all again.

thank you very much

Well, it seems I need to let the lib to support ARC some time later..

Hi Kaijie Yu

Attached, I send to you , the warning error, what is it wrong?


Captura de pantalla 2013-02-02 a la s 13 29 13

Hola Kaijie Yu
I found the solution , I redefined the init of CircleMenuViewcontroller

// Circle Menu
CircleMenuViewController * circleMenuViewController=
[[CircleMenuViewController alloc]initWithButtonCount:kKYCCircleMenuButtonsCount

// Navigation Controller
UINavigationController * navigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc]initWithRootViewController:circleMenuViewController];
[navigationController.navigationBar setBarStyle:UIBarStyleBlackTranslucent];

// Set navigation controller as the root vc
[self.window setRootViewController:navigationController];

Thank you very much!

I see. Thank you!