GPU 5: out of memory
saphiretr opened this issue · 4 comments
saphiretr commented
> GPU 5: out of memory
> D:/code/ccminer-cryptonight/cryptonight/ line 226
ver. 3.02
My rig works fine all other ccminer programs.
KlausT commented
Are you using the default launch config?
What cards are you using?
saphiretr commented
yes it is default launch config file.
MSI GTX 1080 Ti Gaming
BobbyGR commented
Had a user report the same issue. GPU5: Out of Memory EVGA'S 1070 ti's
KlausT commented
There's something wierd going on. This shouldn't happen.
Ok, let's see. What does it say? 112 x 32?
112 * 32 * 2 MB = 7170 MB
This should be ok.
Maybe try the option -l 32x84