
transformed path elements no longer filling

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latest version of extension (as of 2019-12-22).
Inkscape 0.92.4 - Windows 10 Pro

stripped my svg file down to 1 grouped element, goal is to create a set of svg symbols to make up an Inkscape symbol library. So I need to eliminate the transform attributes per the Inkscape share/extensions/README. This extension does that quite well. I tried this both by un-grouping the set of path, text objects as well as using the source as is.
But weirdly, after running the extension, several of the path elements no longer render as previously. They are there - if I use the Object-> Objects tool, select the elements, they are present with the expected attributes, including the same style:fill RGB value as previously. If I use the 'Edit path by nodes' tool, the vertices are rendered, I can then use the 'show path outline' tool to show the polygon's edges. But no fill rendering as before. 1 item I noticed was the replacement of the z closepath instruction with trailing relative moves to the origin. I replaced these with the z instruction to see if it helped (ensuring the polygon was closed so a fill can be handled). No difference in the rendering. Nor did selecting either/both of the affected 2 path elements, then raising them to the 'top' of the rendering stack make any difference (ie. not occluded by some other object, that I can tell).

an xxdiff of the 2 attached files doesn't point out anything obvious to me. Nothing in the defs element was affected(?) by the apply transform extension.
But I'm not an SVG nor Inkscape expert :-(
Many thanks for writing this extension.
