
File Chooser Filter Viewing Folder Contents

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Currently, the file chooser has no easy way to search for a file within a large folder. Folders' contents are sorted by name which means one can scroll to the correct position to find their file, but this means a lot of scrolling, especially since Compose Desktop doesn't have scroll bars.

It would be handy to have a filter text field right above the folder contents list that allows the user to filter the currently visible files.

The filter text field should automatically take focus when the user interacts with the filder contents list, allowing the user to "just type" to start filtering.

The filter text field should have a 'clear' button on its right side, as manually deleting the contents of this field could get tiresome.

The filter should either have a button to enable/disable case-sensitivity or should just be case-insensitive.

This seems a lot less necessary now that scroll-bar support has been set up. I will close this for now and maybe re-open it if it becomes an issue again.