
1.19 server crash

Closed this issue · 9 comments


it could fix by adding "@Environment(EnvType.CLIENT)" to loadClient() of CoreMinecraftNetUtil of LibNetworkStack.

Oh, maybe I should have submitted to LibNetworkStack's issue. Excuse me.

I always forget to test something. Ha ha

I'm trying to get this working, but I'm running into brutal registry-sync errors.

Ok, turns out you need Polymer on 1.19 for fixing registry-sync issues in QSL.

Ok, your suggestion seems to have fixed the LNS issue and I have tested Wired Redstone working on a dedicated client and server setup. I'll hopefully have a release of Wired Redstone that incorporates the LNS fix out shortly.

I'll have the release out as soon as CurseForge fixes its outage.

I should probably look into separating my publishing scripts so if one site fails, I can still publish to the others.

I'm re-opening this as I don't know when I'll get a chance to publish this.

thank you very much!