
[1.19.2] Sodium Issues

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I wanted to use Iris shaders, so I needed Sodium.
When lauched my minecraft world with wires (and others) all of them was "missing" texture (test world screenshot below)

test-world screenshot
Screnshot is Minecraft Quilt with only Sodium and Wired Redstone loaded. No other mods, resourcepacks (etc)


Minecraft: 1.19.2 - Singleplayer
Quilt: 0.17.5 - Beta 2
OS: Windows 11
Wired Redstone: 0.4.8
Sodium: 0.4.4, 0.4.3, 0.4.2

Did you also include Indium? When using Sodium, Indium is also required for wires to render correctly.

I guess I didn't make it terribly clear Wired Redstone needs Indium on WR's mod page. I should probably do that.

Oh, okay, I'll try with indium, thanks <3