
Consider new license

Closed this issue · 6 comments

This application is getting to the point where it may begin to have some unique features that set it apart from other fractal generators. At this point, I would like to make sure these special features do not end up incorporated into a proprietary application, except if those features are used as a library.

I am considering LGPL or GPL for this project, but I need to do more research.

The main reason I have been using MIT for most of my projects is because I want people to be able to use my source code as a reference for their own projects. I also am a strong believer in the idea of sharing knowledge and software freely with no restrictions what-so-ever, in the hope that this may encourage everyone else to do the same. However, I know this is not the case in present day society, so I am looking for alternatives besides just trusting people to give back.

Looks like it's going to have to be LGPLv3 as I am needing to use some algorithms from GNU MP which is licensed under LGPLv3.

Or does this mean that this application should be licensed under the GPLv3?

I have decided on using the LGPLv3 for this project because I would like to be the least restrictive on what people can do with the source code.

Closed in 86d2ee3 and 70f9ace.