
Databases not syncing

lexxellent opened this issue · 3 comments

I recently discovered that my local Keepass Databases do not sync any more with the ones in my OneDrive folder. However, when I sync the databases manually, everything seems to be working fine. There are no error messages, just a confirmation message that synchronization was successful. But when I checked my Keepass2Android on my smartphone I noticed that recently added keys in my local Keepass databass where not included.

After checking if the database copies on OneDrive where updated, I noticed that they weren't. So there seems to be going something wrong here. Since I'm just a user and not a developper I have no clue as to where things might go wrong.

Have you tried deleting the sync config in KeePass and setting it up again to see if that solves the issue?

Just did this for one database. It seems to work. Thanks for the help! But the question still remains: what could have gone wrong here? For now it's perfectly fine that I can resolve the issue by deleting the sync profile and rebuilding it, but if I have to do this regularly it will be a hassle of course...

Hard to say without network traces. You would have to run Fiddler, capture the https traffic when performing a sync that fails. From that I likely can see what happened. The plugin deliberately doesn't keep any logs due to the nature of information its dealing with.

One theory could be that it has been 90 days since you set up the connection and it has caused the renew token to be expired.