
Docker Container Crash After Version 18.18 Update

inpex opened this issue · 1 comments

Since yesterday, around the time when version 18.18 was released, my Docker container has been consistently crashing. I am unable to restart the container and encountering an error. It seems like there might be an issue with the recent update.


----- System Information -----
----- arch: x86_64 -----
----- hostname: 8fe5d5193557 -----

----- Version Information -----
----- image: v9.1.0 -----
----- build: 2024-01-19T13:46:03+00:00 -----
----- node: v18.19.0 -----
----- npm: 9.2.0 -----

----- Environment Variables -----
----- SETGID: 100 -----
----- SETUID: 99 -----
----- USBDEVICES: /dev/ttyACM0 -----

----- Step 1 of 5: Preparing Container -----

SETUID and/ or SETGID are set to custom values.
Changing UID to "99" and GID to "100"... Done.

----- Step 2 of 5: Detecting ioBroker Installation -----

find: ‘/opt/iobroker/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman-converters/devices’: Structure needs cleaning
Existing installation of ioBroker detected in "/opt/iobroker".

----- Step 3 of 5: Checking ioBroker Installation -----

Replacing ioBroker executable to fix sudo bug... Done.

chown: cannot read directory '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman-converters/devices': Structure needs cleaning
(Re)setting permissions (This might take a while! Please be patient!)...`