
Using groups for Tuya devices?

mnaser opened this issue · 3 comments

if (Array.isArray(meta.mapped)) throw new Error(`Not supported for groups`);

I'm running into this exception when using a Zigbee group that's based on Tuya, but I don't really find any reference as to why this is not working.

Is there a reason why it can't be done? I'm happy to help with fixing the code for this.


TuYa implements their data layer and are essentially using zigbee as a transport layer.

That's why it's not supported.

avbdr commented

@sjorge is there is a way to implement the 'tuya way' grouping?

Their IoT Core docs do mention device groups, but I have no access to their wire level docs/sdk nor do I have any devices to look into this.

I assume it would technically be possible, although it also seems to be able to group device across different media together, so it may just be a API abstraction on their cloud servers that do the grouping. I am not sure they would allow device <-> device communication like zigbee does.