
[FEATURE] Curly brackets

theogf opened this issue · 1 comments

It would be great to have curly brackets { }, used as \{ and \} implemented.

Right now the workaround is to put them in normal text but this does not allow using subscripts and superscripts.

In the context of GLMakie and the LaTeXStrings packages you can use an empty unicode character with width zero as follows:

using GLMakie
using LaTeXStrings
aem = Char(0x200B)
scatter(1:10, 1:10; figure = (; fontsize = 32),
    axis = (; title= latexstring("an equation: {\$y_i\$}\${$aem}_{a=1}^N\$")))

Screenshot 2022-03-17 at 17 44 25