Integrating HUSH3 dpow
kolobus opened this issue ยท 7 comments
@DeckerSU @ca333 this is being worked on in the duke
branch which has merged in all relevant updates and fixes from KMD 0.5.0 release, with Hush changes. This will soon be merged to the Hush dev
branch for a round of testing before being sent to KMD notaries for testing. We try very hard to find bugs before notaries find them.
If you have any suggestions for how you tested the hardfork code in KMD, to simulate enabling the new season, that would be helpful. I plan to do a basic test where I change the hard fork block height and verify my node can pass thru that height and still operate normally, making p2p connections and answering RPCs, even if it does go on a chainfork. A more advanced integration test with iguana is likely the next step after that.
We did it basically the same way - isolated a small test-net and set a "test-hardfork-height" to simulate it.
I am currently testing a CLI argument that can over-ride the fork height, for my own testing and also to make things as easy as possible for NN's to test/simulate
@kolobus @ca333 @DeckerSU KomodoPlatform/dPoW#20
We have about 2 weeks to go, anything I can help with?
All good and almost set for the big day - we ll keep you updated on the NN upgrade process. Thanks for the ping.
Can this be closed?
Should be closed I assume.