
Support different fold methods in different buffers

lervag opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi. If I open a tex file that uses fdm=expr, then open a bib file that uses fdm=syntax (set from a personal ftplugin file), then the fdm=syntax will override the expr setting for tex files in FastFold. That is: FastFold no longer remembers that the tex file should generate folds with fdm=expr.

I think the reason that this does not work is because FastFold uses window variables (e.g. w:lastfdm) to store the last fdm setting. I think it should rather use a buffer variable b:lastfdm.

I see this is partially discussed in #15. I still think my use case should be supported, which is to keep a single window, but to change the buffer. In this case, the b:lastfdm should be updated and used.

Pushed a commit that makes fdmas buffer local as possible. As I use vim-stay, I didn't notice this issue because it was covered by https://github.com/kopischke/vim-stay/blob/master/plugin/stay.vim#L62. Surprised nobody complained before.

Forgot: Thanks for bringing this up!

Agreed that it is surprising that no one noticed this before. Although it was a little bit tricky to pinpoint what was going on. Anyways, thanks for fixing!