
How i can use Python based custom plugins in Helm Based Kong deployment

bikashkumars opened this issue · 2 comments

I am using python hello world plugin to test how custom plugin works.
I am using Kong helm chart for deployment. But pod logs shows, it is unable to process the plugin.

I don’t want to use Lua, rather we want to use python as language for our custom plugins. Any help on how to enable python plugin in helm based kong deployment.

Added hello.py to configmap using following command
kubectl create configmap kong-plugin-hello --from-file=hello.py -n localkong



  • pluginName: hello

    name: kong-plugin-hello

Is it treated same, if we are using plugins developed using either Lua, Python and JS - all are treated same type of configuration and no extra pod to be spinned up ?

Hi @bikashkumars with external languages plugins like Python or JS, you will need to install the "PDK" (pip install kong-pdk in your case) inside contianer, and copy the source file (hello.py in your case) into the container.
Please see docs at https://docs.konghq.com/enterprise/2.4.x/external-plugins/#developing-python-plugins.

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