
Run Gateway API conformance with admission webhook

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Problem statement

Currently, KIC runs Gateway API conformance tests by running the KIC process locally with admission webhook disabled, ref:

.PHONY: test.conformance
test.conformance: _check.container.environment go-junit-report
GOFLAGS="-tags=conformance_tests" \
go test \
-v \
-race $(GOTESTFLAGS) \
-parallel $(NCPU) \
./test/conformance | \
$(GOJUNIT_REPORT) -iocopy -out $(JUNIT_REPORT) -parser gotest

This might cause some objects to be rejected but not caught in tests.

This in turn can be caught in KGO's conformance tests because it deploys KIC (ControlPlane) with admission webhook enabled.

Exemplar failures in KGO conformance suite caused by this issue:

=== RUN   TestGatewayConformance/HTTPRouteInvalidBackendRefUnknownKind
    conformance.go:64: 2024-05-29T11:09:25.315046+02:00: Applying tests/httproute-invalid-backendref-unknown-kind.yaml
    apply.go:273: 2024-05-29T11:09:25.318422+02:00: Creating invalid-backend-ref-unknown-kind HTTPRoute
                Error Trace:    /Users/patryk.malek@konghq.com/.gvm/pkgsets/go1.22.3/global/pkg/mod/sigs.k8s.io/gateway-api@v1.1.0/conformance/utils/kubernetes/apply.go:275
                Error:          Received unexpected error:
                                admission webhook "httproutes.validation.ingress-controller.konghq.com" denied the request: HTTPRoute spec did not pass validation: rules[0].backendRefs[0]: unknownkind.example.com is not a supported group for httproute backendRefs, only core is supported
                Test:           TestGatewayConformance/HTTPRouteInvalidBackendRefUnknownKind
                Messages:       error creating resource
--- FAIL: TestGatewayConformance/HTTPRouteInvalidBackendRefUnknownKind (0.01s)

Proposed solution

Enable admission webhook when running KIC's Gateway API conformance tests.

#6104 (comment)

After a decision made today on sync meeting, we're not going to go this way. Gateway API conformance suite will remain running without the webhook as the validation rules in admission webhook are here to stay.