downloadMonitor return wrong bytesWritten value
TheOnlyAndLastOne opened this issue · 11 comments
The TotalBytes comes from the Content-Length header returned by the server, so if its wrong, thats kind of on them, I suppose maybe we could start to push it up once the actual bytes is greater than what they said it was going to be? I've also seen the header be greater than the bytes eventually written
The running bytes are summed from a MonitoringInputStream which simply counts the bytes as it proxies the original InputStream.
There are several unit tests in the project that run a real Jetty server and download content with the monitor. In these tests, at the end the Content-Length equals the total consumed.
I don't have access to the file or server you referenced, so I cannot verify with your data. Can you produce an example where this happens that we can duplicate?
This is my local code:
public static void main(String[] args) {
String catDownloadPath = "/Users/peterzhao/Downloads/test.jpg";
String cat = "";
Unirest.get(cat).downloadMonitor((field, fileName, bytesWritten, totalBytes) -> {
System.out.println(String.format("cat totalBytes: %s, bytesWritten: %s", totalBytes, bytesWritten));
I run the code in the main method, there some debug message, the Content-Length equals totalBytes.
public static void main(String[] args) {
String cityDownloadPath = "/Users/peterzhao/Downloads/city.png";
String city = "";
Unirest.get(city).downloadMonitor((field, fileName, bytesWritten, totalBytes) -> {
System.out.println(String.format("city totalBytes: %s, bytesWritten: %s", totalBytes, bytesWritten));
And I tried to download a new one, the same problem, but I found that bytesWritten seems like equal to double totalBytes, is it possible that bytesWritten was counted twice?
weird, I tried both and in both cases I get totalBytes equal to bytes written.
It seems that my previous guess is right, the read bytes were counted twice.
The MonitoringInputStream class override read(byte[] b) and read(byte[] b, int off, int len) method, but read(byte[] b) in super InputStream class called read(byte[] b, int off, int len).
So method read(byte[] b) and read(byte[] b, int off, int len) both called in once file read, and byteCount was added twice.
Please confirm findings above are correct or not thanks.
huh, I think it must depend on exactly which kind of InputStream is being monitored and which methods are being called the override for read(byte[] b) can be removed entirely and it doesn't fail the tests at all. I would like to find a way to create a failing test for this
checkout this f01154a
I'm honestly not entirely sure how the old one worked at all. It should never be calling its own methods. It should be delegating
aaaaaaaaah, yea thats why, I was wondering where that missing bit was
The code works as expected now, appreciate