
Add minValue and maxValue to int/decimal argument converters

Galarzaa90 opened this issue · 4 comments


Add minValue and maxValue options to tIntConverterBuilder and DecimalConverterBuilder and derivatives.

They are defined here in the documentation: https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#application-command-object-application-command-option-structure

And they were added to Kord since: kordlib/kord@4a73bfa

Current Behaviour

It is not possible to use these options, so these validations must be done after receiving the interaction with the validate option. While this allows more customization in error messages, it means receiving a command interaction that will be "rejected" by the bot.

Preferred Behaviour

Being able to use this option would mean that these options will be validated on the client's side, meaning you wouldn't receive the command interaction message if the numbers are invalid.

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This has been added, but could do with some gentle poking - please verify.

Everything seems to be working fine 👍🏼

Thanks for the confirmation o7