
paginator gives wrong error message when no pages are added

mooziii opened this issue · 2 comments


Whenever I try to create a paginator without a page I get an exception saying No such group: tags but it should be `Empty paginators aren't allowed' or something similar

What were you doing when you first noticed the problem?

➜ I tried to send a paginator as command interaction response without any page in it

How does the problem affect your use-case?

➜ It gave me the wrong error



    implementation("dev.kord:kord-core:0.8.0-M15") {
        capabilities {
    implementation("com.kotlindiscord.kord.extensions:kord-extensions:1.5.5-SNAPSHOT") {

Editor name and version

➜ IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2022.1.4

Gradle version

➜ Gradle 7.4.2

JDK distribution, version and architecture

➜ OpenJDK Temurin-17+35 (build17+35)

Kotlin distribution and plugin version

➜ Kotlin JVM 1.7.10

Code Examples

This code doesn't add a page because pagesNeeded is zero

This gives me the error No such group: tags although it should be something other

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This has been fixed in 1d683d2 - please note that I've also pushed a dependency on the Kord Voice capability in f78b64d, so you should remove your explicit dependency on Kord (and the voice capability) entirely.