
Argument converters fail to read arguments with capital letters in the name

Cypher121 opened this issue · 2 comments


Argument converters like stringChoice allow using a capitalized argument name for the name attribute. However when using a command with such an argument, the value is not read correctly, either using the default, if one exists, or showing an error (Invalid value for argument Choice (which accepts: text))


Latest KordEx snapshot at 1.5.5-SNAPSHOT

Code Examples

class TestExtension : Extension() {
    override val name = "test"

    override suspend fun setup() {
        publicSlashCommand(::TestArgs) {
            name = "test"
            description = "test"


            action {
                respond {
                    content = arguments.choice

    class TestArgs : Arguments() {
        val choice by stringChoice {
            name = "Choice"
            description = "Choice"

            choices = listOf("this", "other", "that")
                .associateBy { it }


I'd suggest disallowing capitals in the name entirely: discord lowercases arg names anyway, so it's misleading to allow them. Same goes for command names as well.

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Discord is fairly inconsistent with its support for capitalization, and I don't think a simple case check is sufficient because of i18n. It's true that this should be better telegraphed somehow, but I'm not 100% sure what the best way to do that is.