
UnProxiedMessageDeleteEvent throws ClientRequestException on message delete

NoComment1105 opened this issue · 1 comments


When an unproxied message is deleted, the PluralKit module appears to search the PluralKit API for said message, and throws a ClientRequestException when it's not found.


Make use of the UnProxiedMessageDeleteEvent

Code Examples

    override suspend fun setup() {
        event<UnProxiedMessageDeleteEvent> {
            action {
                kordLogger.info { "h" }



Not a bug per se, I checked the code and everything is being handled correctly. What's happening here is that the getMessage function is logging the exception, but this function isn't used directly by the extension - it's called by getMessageOrNull, which is not currently capable of swallowing the log message.

I think this is probably just how it's going to have to be for the time being, as fixing it appropriately would require a surprising amount of work.