
Emoji converter doesn't work with custom emojis

zt64 opened this issue · 5 comments

zt64 commented


Emoji converter throws not found error for all custom emojis.



Kord Extensions: 1.5.5-SNAPSHOT


val emoji by emoji {
    name = "emoji"
    description = "The emoji"

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The code appears as if it should work as intended, but I can see Kord's caching potentially getting in the way. Still, please check the following:

  • That you have the necessary intents to see guild emoji
  • That you're using an emoji that exists on a guild the bot is present on
  • If that doesn't help, that the bot has permission to manage emojis on the server

If none of these things help, report back and let me know.

Additionally, it's possible that this converter isn't actually all that useful in the long run - maybe it should return some other type? I'm not sure how best to change it, because you need a guild ID in order to grab a GuildEmoji object. It's possible that Kord hasn't implemented the logic to make this kind of converter realistic.

zt64 commented

Turns out adding the Intent.GuildEmojis fixed it. Maybe there should be documentation added to the emoji that says it will need that intent.