
NPGSQL return table name in lower case

Closed this issue · 5 comments


we have

Npgsql.PostgresException: 42P01: relation "SOME" does not exist

because entity-framework create table in PascalCase

step to reproduce

  1. create table in postgresql database
CREATE TABLE public."SomeInCamelCase"
    "Id" uuid NOT NULL,
    "Name" text COLLATE pg_catalog."default"
  1. export
dbtool connections add development postgre "<ConnectionString>"
dbtool.exe filter-tables development "SomeInCamelCase"
dbtool export development --format=json --output=exporter

Another solution - migrate to snake case

What version of Postgre do you use?
What Operating System do you use?

It might fix the problem 363d02a


we use for reproduce bug

  • Latest stable EntityFramework and latest stable NPGSQL
  • ASP.NET 3.x - BlazorServer - development enviroment - Windows 10 Pro
  • PosgterSQL 12.1 Alpine in Docker


we have already published v.1.4.1.

Yes - new release fix the problem

Thanks, thanks, thanks
