Table app for taking turns (ex. standup)
- Open a text editor in administrator mode
- Open the hosts file "c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"
- Add an alias to
- Run the command "sudo nano /etc/hosts"
- Add an alias to
In the root of the application, add a settings.json file:
"devServer": {
"port": "The port you want the development server to run on (this needs to be the PORT of the url you've whitelisted in 'Create google drive credentials' step 6)",
"host": "The HOST you want the development server to run on (see 'Alias localhost')",
"ssl": false | true | {
"certPath": "Path to the SSL certificate in PEM format",
"keyPath": "(optiona) path to the certificate key",
"caPath": "(optional) path to the root certificate in PEM format"
To run the code, you'll need a bunch of packages installed. The package manger we've chosen to use is node package manager (npm).
- Install npm on your local machine.
- Check that npm is installed properly by running "npm --version" (without quotes). If you're on a windows machine and already have a command console open before the installation, you need to open a new command console before npm becomes available.
- Install yarn by running "npm i -g yarn"
- Run "yarn install" (without quotes). This will download all necessary packages into the node_modules folder.
If you've done all of the previous steps:
- Run "yarn start" (without quotes) to run the application in development mode.
- Run "yarn run build" (without quotes) to compile the application into the ./dist folder.