
Circular dependency on kspKotlin when used under Quarkus 3.9.3

laurentperez opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello. Tried to use kotlin dataframe, but it does not compile when used under the quarkus framework https://quarkus.io/ 3.9.3

Steps to reproduce

  • quarkus create cli --kotlin --gradle
  • cd code-with-quarkus
  • ./gradlew quarkusRun
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Circular dependency between the following tasks:
+--- :quarkusGenerateCode
|    \--- :processResources
|         \--- :kspKotlin (*)
\--- :quarkusGenerateCodeDev
     +--- :processResources (*)
     \--- :quarkusGenerateCode (*)


The dependency tree is below. ksp is com.google.devtools.ksp:symbol-processing:1.9.22-1.0.17

  • ./gradlew dependencies>tree.txt



it build if I follow the steps of quarkusio/quarkus#29698

this looks like a quarkus problem, but the root issue has been closed on quarkus side.

unsure if the ksp dependency is required (?)

Thanks for the update!

We use KSP for the dataframe Gradle Plugin, to generate accessors for @DataSchema interfaces. This plugin is optional, but you might use it somewhere already.

I got the same problem, solved it by splitting dataframe-dependent and quarkus-dependent Gradle modules (and applying dataframe plugin on first module only)