
Parallel computations

koperagen opened this issue · 0 comments

Object properties sometimes can be heavy or lazily computed and overall conversion take minutes for somewhat big lists
One can write this fairly simple code to speed up the conversion

 val df = runBlocking {
          .map {
              async(Dispatchers.IO) { it.toDataFrame() }

Although code is simple, it seems hard to properly make this parallelism part of the toDataFrame implementation.
Only list.toDataFrame(maxDepth = int) and list.toDataFrame { properties(maxDepth = int) { } } are side effect free, and it's (mostly) safe to split the list in chunks, run conversion in parallel and concat results. But even computation of the properties can be not parallel friendly. And then there is a question how workload is split and so on.

add and convert can be heavy and involve IO too. For this i have something like this in mind

fun DataFrame<*>.awaitAll(selector: ColumnSelector<*, Deferred<*>>) = runBlocking {
    val column = getColumn(selector)
    val values = column.toList().awaitAll()
    replace(selector).with(values.toColumn(column.name(), infer = Infer.Type))


val df = runBlocking {
    otherDf.add("col") {
        async(Dispatchers.IO) {
    }.awaitAll { "col"() }

These two approaches can speed up dataframe code significantly in certain scenarios, so we can give them some visibility in the documentation.