This is an open-source, mobile, cross-platform application built with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile. It's a simple RSS reader, and you can download it from the App Store and Google Play. It's been designed to demonstrate how KMM can be used in real production projects.
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Compose for web support
#83 opened by AlejandraPedroza - 1
Dependency mismatch on compose-app branch
#79 opened by leaf-node - 1
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Some articles cut off the left side
#70 opened by pahill - 2
Cant run on Xcode
#75 opened by anthonyfebrian - 0
Could not resolve :kotlin-native-prebuilt-linux-x86_64:1.8.10 in github actions
#73 opened by yuvaraj119 - 2
A run time permission for both
#71 opened by lkant8 - 3
Exception serialization json with unknown keys
#67 opened by AnD010 - 1
A MVVM approach
#66 opened by programadorthi - 0
#64 opened by kathiedenissepalafox - 0
How to use the ConnectedView with generic state
#59 opened by Amrjyniat - 4
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iOS works ok, but Android app issues "Connect Timeout has Expired" message on startup and nothing loads
#55 opened by Lee-Hounshell-at-MarianaTek - 1
Promote desktop to non-experimental status
#56 opened by mikehearn - 1
how to use NSClassFromString() in iosMain
#54 opened by secretCoder110 - 2
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Compose desktop app: Module with the Main dispatcher had failed to initialize
#53 opened by SeanBlahovici - 0
C# Interop Example
#52 opened by lukegalea - 0
We are working on xmlpull / kxml for kmp
#50 opened by stefanhaustein - 0
[FR] Last update date info
#2 opened by terrakok - 0
[FR] Settings
#3 opened by terrakok - 0
[FR] Support Atom feeds
#4 opened by terrakok - 0
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[FR] Read state for posts
#1 opened by terrakok - 1
Cocopoads Gradle Sync Issue
#45 opened by avjiang - 1
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Kotlin 1.5.31 New Project Error (M1 Mac)
#42 opened by avjiang - 1
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Add unit tests
#36 opened by pull-vert - 3
Why not MVI?
#22 opened by StefanOltmann - 4
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Navigation replacement
#39 opened by Michael24884 - 3
Error: Building for iOS Simulator-arm64 but attempting to link with file built for iOS Simulator-x86_64 (M1)
#27 opened by avjiang - 2
Why SwiftUI and Compose
#30 opened by slipdef - 1
Run androidApp, show error:This version (1.0.0-beta07) of the Compose Compiler requires Kotlin version 1.4.32
#31 opened by libill - 3
Cannot inline bytecode built with JVM target 1.8 into bytecode that is being built with JVM target 1.6
#25 opened by akniyetc - 2
Project doesn't build
#29 opened by slipdef - 0
- 0
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Cannot add new feed
#26 opened by nwagu - 1
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null cannot be cast to non-null type kotlin.String
#18 opened by itsandreramon - 0
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Invalid injected android support version
#17 opened by amensia - 2
The project doesn't work with Android Gradle plugin version 7.0.0-alpha15
#16 opened by nikolaykasyanov - 1
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Android Gradle plugin requires Java 11 to run. You are currently using Java 1.8.
#12 opened by libill