
Make available through Maven Central

Closed this issue · 9 comments

The artifact is only available through bintray, please make it also available through Maven Central.

We'd like to stabilize this library for some time before making it available in jcenter and maven central.

+1. I'm resorting to copying all the files, due to company goals on limiting repository dependencies I'd argue that if you're using something in version 0.2.1 instability is inherent and would still love to see it in MavenCentral...

@chomey Did you consider using JitPack or git submodules?

Yeah, we're going for as few repositories as possible, so adding JitPack / Bintray / anything else is a non-starter for us.

Similar to Kotlin/kotlinx.html#173, since JFrog announced sunsetting Bintray/JCenter, this issue is now becoming urgent and has a tight timeline.

Not that urgent :)

In support of the community, we are pushing back the new package submission deadline for JCenter to March 31st.



getting CI failures related to kotlinx-cli and bintray all of a sudden (bintray is returning 403 responses). Any chance we can get this published somewhere other than bintray?

We're aware about this situation with bintray and working on transferring artifacts to a more durable repository ;)

The library is available in Maven Central now: https://search.maven.org/artifact/org.jetbrains.kotlinx/kotlinx-cli