
Shared Options/Arguments with Subcommands

AvlWx2014 opened this issue · 2 comments

Is it possible with the current state of the API to share options/arguments with subcommands?

I have two subcommands, which process either a) a single file or b) a set of files contained in multiple directories.

Naturally I created two subcommands:

class Single(private val runner: Runner) : Subcommand("single", "Process a single file") {
    private val file by argument(
        type = ArgType.String,
        fullName = "file",
        description = "Process the given file."

    override fun execute() {

class Multiple(private val runner: Runner) : Subcommand("multiple", "Process all files in the given directories") {
    private val directories by argument(
        type = ArgType.String,
        fullName = "directories",
        description = "Process all files in the given directory or directories."

    override fun execute() {

What I'd like to do is have both subcommands be able to access a shared -o --output option to specify the output directory.

private val output by option(
        type = ArgType.String,
        shortName = "o", fullName = "output",
        description = "Specify the output directory"

At the moment it seems like I have to duplicate this in each subcommand for this to work.

Awesome, thank you!