
Suggestion for a potential new Flow's `timeout` extension

tinder-cesardiez opened this issue · 2 comments


  • Did you check the latest version of the library?


  • Do you actually need this feature? Maybe restructuring your code would neatly eliminate the problem the feature would be solving.

I'm not sure, I just wanted to bring this up since my teammates found this extension to be useful.

Use Case

Simplify Flow's Timeout extension fallbacks

The Shape of the API

fun <T> Flow<T>.timeout(
    timeout: Duration,
    onTimeout: suspend FlowCollector<T>.(cause: Throwable) -> Unit
): Flow<T> = timeout(timeout).catch { cause ->
    if (cause is TimeoutCancellationException) {
        // Catch the TimeoutCancellationException emitted above.
        // Emit desired item on timeout.
    } else {
        // Throw other exceptions.
        throw cause


someFlow().timeout(X.seconds) {

Prior Art (Why - Thought Process)

When I looked at the timeout documentation I thought it was interesting I would need to "copy-paste" the sample of the documentation in order to deal with the fallback the way it's intended, so I thought it would be good to provide an alternative to developers to make this process a tiny bit easier, since otherwise we could run into lots of timeout blocks with very similar catch logic. Ideally we would want to handle exceptions as close as their source as possible, so the code sample made a lot of sense to me, then why not automating that a bit?

If we think the feature request makes sense, I'm happy to go ahead and make a code contribution. I just wanted to make sure this made sense beforehand.

Timeout Related Sources / Issues

@dkhalanskyjb Do you think it'd make sense to make a contribution for this?

@tinder-cesardiez, both core maintainers are on vacation, so it may take a while before the proposal is evaluated.