
Youtube links convert to embedded videos

Closed this issue · 4 comments

This will require frontend work because these are iframes and the current message formatting does not support HTML.

@mreider I am not sure if it (and #137) should be done on backend side - currently we have no internal format for messages, maybe it will be Markdown, not HTML.
There is a library https://alexcorvi.github.io/anchorme.js/ that can be used on frontend side to parse all links (#137) and replace youtube links to iframes.

Ok. I removed backend tag and changed story.

I tried to use this plugin for links in messages, but we have a text-markdown installed and they cannot work with each other. For now, you have to use the markdown format [google] (https://google.com) to display the link.
I will try to replace the text of the link to the markdown format on the client.
As far as youtube links are concerned, I don't know yet, it may also be possible to make substitutions on the client.

Why all of the line breaks?
