
Direct Message

Closed this issue · 3 comments

See design here:


But for now just limited to ONE person. No multiple person messages.

@falconandy I updated this a bit

@falconandy is there a way to encrypt these messages somehow - seems confusing to know where the encryption key might be located. One option is to encrypt based on the user's password somehow, since this is hashed in the db I assume?

  1. Get "post message" token:
POST https://USER-HUB/rpc.TokenService/PostMessage
Content-Type: application/json

  "friend_id": "USER-ID"
  1. The response contains "message_key" (AES, 256bit, hex-encoded) to encrypt messages between the current user and USER
  2. Message encryption/decryption should be done on frontend (AES, base-64 encoding)
  3. To post an encrypted direct message:
POST http://MESSAGE-HUB/rpc.MessageService/Post
Authorization: Bearer AUTH-TOKEN
Content-Type: application/json

  "token":  "POST-MESSAGE-TOKEN",
  1. To get encrypted direct messages:
POST http://localhost:12002/rpc.MessageService/Messages
Authorization: Bearer AUTH-TOKEN
Content-Type: application/json

  "token":  "GET-MESSAGES-TOKEN",
  "count": COUNT,
  "friend_id": "USER-ID"