
If my node gets approved, the No Hubs page should be redirected

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I submitted a new node.
It was approved.
When I returned to the "about us" page, it still said I had no hubs. I refreshed a few times and also went to the notifications page.

This is confusing for the user. We should not show that page after the hub is approved.

Also, it's weird it's called "about us" please rename it to "no hubs" or something.

Finally, please put a space between the buttons on the no hubs page. For some reason I could not figure this out!

This does not work. You can login as mateo67 / test - if you visit the nohubs page https://koto.at/no-hubs - it does not redirect to the messages page, even though I have a message hub.