
Email template redesign

Opened this issue · 3 comments

We need new email templates for:

  • registration
  • friend requests
  • mentions (in wall posts and groups)
  • direct messages

@falconandy what have I missed in that list above? ^^

@inna-matvienko - please come up with templates for each one above.
@dimakrsna I will add you to our Mailgun account. There is a template page there for you to implement @inna-matvienko 's designs.

Email Templates


Subject: Confirm your Peacenik account

Thanks for registering with Peacenik.

Please confirm your account by clicking [this link].

Username reminder
Subject: Peacenik username reminder

Thanks for requesting a username reminder.

Your email address is associated with the following usernames:

[matt] (Matt Reider)
[mateo] (Matt)

Password reset
Subject: Peacenik password reset

Thanks for requesting to reset your password.

If you did not make this request, you can ignore this email.

Otherwise you can reset your password by clicking [this link].

Friend request
Subject: Matt Reider (Matt) invited you to be friends

Matt Reider (matt) invited you to be friends on Peacenik.

To accept the invitation click [here].

Peacenik is an ad-free, hate-free social network for sharing ideas, photos, and videos. The community agrees to a code of conduct prohibiting bullying, bating, hate speech etc. Peacenik is also distributed, which means member messages are stored on independent servers all over the world.


Message hub
Subject: Your message hub is ready

Congratulations. Your message hub is now up and running. You can confirm this by looking at the message hub page in your profile [here]. As of now all of your messages, photos, and videos will be stored in your hub rather than Peacenik's servers. Your data is also encrypted and secure.

Thanks for supporting Peacenik!

Group request
Subject: Matt Reider (mreider) wants to join Cooking

Greetings group admin!

It looks like Matt Reider (mreider) would like to join the group Cooking.

Please review mreider's message below and accept or reject their request.

Hi there, I really want to join the group!

To accept mreider's request click [here]. Otherwise, you can reject it [here].


Group add
Subject: You've been added to Cooking

Greetings from Peacenik!

Matt Reider (matt) added you to the group Cooking.

You can view group messages by choosing the group on your Peacenik feed [here].

If you do not want to be a member of the group go to the group page [here] and click the "leave" button.


Subject: Matt Reider (matt) mentioned you in a message

Greetings from Peacenik!

Matt Reider (matt) mentioned you in a message.

To view the message click [here].


Direct message
Subject: Matt Reider (matt) sent you a direct message

Greetings from Peacenik!

Matt Reider (matt) sent you in a direct message.

To view the message click [here].


@falconandy can you make sure these emails are functional on the back end? You will need links from @dimakrsna for the body of some messages.

Also @falconandy what are your thoughts about direct messages? I will get an email when someone messages me, but after that, I guess I will just get notifications when / if they respond and I am not viewing the page. So this is new functionality for @dimakrsna

"Message hub" email - no "create message hub" functionality right now.
"Group"/"Direct message" emails: currently not implemented

I will get an email when someone messages me, but after that, I guess I will just get notifications when / if they respond and I am not viewing the page

I think, the "I am not viewing the page" is a key part - if I am viewing the page I do not need emails

@falconandy here's some HTML / CSS for when you get a chance...
PeacenikTemplate 2.zip