
Quarry will not accept energy from any source or side [NFORGE 1.20.4]

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Describe the bug

What happened to you?

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Place a quarry plus
  2. Place it down
  3. Attempt to power it with anything (e.g mekanism, energized power, powah!, ae2)
  4. Quarry does nothing

If your server/client has crashed, please give me the crash report.


  • Minecraft version: 1.20.4
  • Single Player or Multi Player?: Multiplayer
  • Neoforge version: 20.4.237
  • QuarryPlus version: 20.4.57
  • Other mods: Custom modpack (long list)

Crash report or logs

If your Minecraft has crashed, please attach the crash report. Please use pastebin or just paste the report.

Note that using the QuarryPlus creative generator makes the quarry work. :)

I don't think I did anything to follow changes in NeoForge capability system. I'll take a look

Thanks! I really appreciate the quick fix!! <3

(Not released yet. CI is running)

I think it might have failed

I'll run release script from my local environment. Just a moment.

OK, released as 20.4.69-neoforge. Modrinth download is available. Curse needs to be reviewed.