
V2ray is a tool to create thousands of Vless/Vmess proxies at ones! includes more tools...

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

V2rayDoprax v2

V2ray is a tool to create thousands of Vless/Vmess proxies at ones! includes more tools... for Doprax


  • Fixed Vmess decoding problem in ascii included remarks


  • About 27000 proxies
  • Vless proxy generator
  • Vmess proxy generator
  • UUID version 1 generator
  • UUID version 4 generator
  • Worker Script generator
  • Worker checker
  • Vmess URL decoder
  • Proxy cloner (new)

What's new in version 2?

  • Get free V2ray proxies (freeV2ray.py)
  • Supports vmess proxy
  • Create vmess for Iran (getVmess.py)
  • Create random vmess (randomVmess.py)
  • Extract vmess config (getConfig.py)
  • Proxy cloner (new)


  • clone
git clone https://github.com/kozyol/V2rayDoprax && cd V2rayDoprax 
  • requirements
pip install requests beautifulsoup4
  • make scripts executable (if you want to open with ./)
chmod +x *.py


  • config.conf (please do not change the lines!)
https://test.example.workers.dev/                      <- Your CloudFlare address here
example.eu-sadgfhs.dopraxrocks.net                     <- Your Doprax app Adreess here
F4C....                                                              <- Your UUID here
[Path vless]
vless                                         <- This is default but you can change it
[Path Vmess]
vmess                                         <- This is default but you can change it
test                                                              <- Alias for proxies
  • check_worker.py
Help: python check_worker [url]

Where url looks like:
  • getAllIPs.py
Help: python getAllIPs.py [arguments]

    for save the IPs -> python getAllIPs.py -s
    for help message -> python getAllIPs.py [-h, --help]

This file is no longer available and All Ip addresses are getting used offile from database.

  • getIP.py
Help: python getIP.py [arguments]

    for only get IPs -> python getIP.py
    for save the IPs -> python getIP.py -s
    for help message -> python getIp.py [-h, --help] 
  • getScript.py
Help: python getScript.py [arguments]

    create Script -> python getScript.py [Doprax url without 'https://' and '/' at the end]
        python getScript.py test.eu-gacagfhs.dopraxrocks.net
  • getUUID.py
Help: python getUUID.py [[-h] [-v1] [-v4]]
    -h  : Show this message and exit.
    -v1 : get version 1 UUID
    -v4 : get version 4 UUID

* What is a Version 1 UUID?
    A Version 1 UUID is a universally unique identifier that 
    is generated using a timestamp and the MAC address of 
    the computer on which it was generated.

* What is a version 4 UUID?
    A Version 4 UUID is a universally unique identifier that 
    is generated using random numbers.using a secure random 
    number generator.
  • genUUID.py
Help: python genUUID.py [[-h] [-v1] [-v4]]
    -h  : Show this message and exit.
    -v1 : Generate version 1 UUID
    -v4 : Generate version 4 UUID

* What is a Version 1 UUID?
    A Version 1 UUID is a universally unique identifier that 
    is generated using a timestamp and the MAC address of 
    the computer on which it was generated.

* What is a version 4 UUID?
    A Version 4 UUID is a universally unique identifier that 
    is generated using random numbers.using a secure random 
    number generator.
  • getVless.py
Help: python getVless.py [arguments]

    create proxy -> python getVless.py config.conf
    help message -> python getVless.py -h/--help
  • randomVless.py
Help: python randomVless.py [config] [How many proxy]

    create proxy -> python randomVless.py config.conf 10
    help message -> python randomVless.py -h/--help 
  • getVmess.py
Help: python getVmess.py [config]

    create proxy -> python getVmess.py config.conf
    help message -> python getVmess.py -h/--help 
  • randomVmess.py
Help: python randomVmess.py [config] [How many proxy]

    create proxy -> python randomVmess.py config.conf 10
    help message -> python randomVmess.py -h/--help 
  • cloner.py
Help: python clones.py [[-h] [-vl url] [-vm url]]
    -h/--help: Show this message and exit.
    -vl url  : Clone vless proxy
    -vm url  : Clone vmess proxy
    vless cloner: python cloner.py -vl vless://....
    vmess cloner: python cloner.py -vm vmess://....

note: put URL inside "" (string)
  • freeV2ray.py
Help: python freeV2ray.py [arguments]
    get free proxies -> python freeV2ray.py 20 (maximum length is 20)
    help message     -> python freeV2ray.py -h/--help 


Difference between getUUID and genUUID ?

getUUID uses API, so it needs internet connection
genUUID uses built-in module, so it's fast and offline

Needed tools

1: You need to fork this repository
2: An E-mail Address for creating account
3: Account in Doprax
4: Account in CloudFlare
5: Then you can work with this tool to create proxies

Tutorial (Persian)

Thanks to Isegaro for his great tutorial and works.
Learn how to create Doprax & CloidFlare account and config it from here.


Websites to get UUID:


Create Vless/Vmess proxies via given config with this simple app in Android

There is an android app to create vmess/vless proxy. check it out :]
So I'm trying to work on both linux and android versions. Hope you enjoy


You can give me a star if you find this tool helpfull. Wishing you all the best.